How do I Migrate a WordPress Site to Cloudjiffy PaaS?

This guide is intended to help with the smooth migration of WordPress websites to Cloudjiffy PaaS using pre-configured WordPress packages available in the marketplace. Follow the simple steps to make migration flow painless and secure.

Note: In case you are going to migrate to WordPress with Galera cluster, make sure that all tables in my database have an explicit primary key, either a single or a multi-column index.

1. Access your Cloudjiffy Dev Panel and create a new WordPress environment (cluster or standalone) from the Marketplace.


2. After creating new environment, you will receive wordpress credentials.

3. Before starting the WordPress migration process, install and activate the All-in-One WP Migration plugin on your old and new hosting accounts.
Once that’s done, follow below steps:



  1. Open the WordPress dashboard of the website you want to transfer and navigate to All-in-One WP Migration → Export.

  2. Click Export to and choose the File option from the dropdown menu.

  1. Wait for the plugin to finish retrieving my WordPress files. Once complete, download the backup file in the WPRESS format from the pop-up window.

  2. Open the WordPress admin dashboard of the new hosting provider and navigate to All-in-One WP Migration → Import.

  3. Click Import from and pick File. Then, locate the WordPress files you’ve exported.



  1. Once the process is complete, click Finish.

  2. On the WordPress admin dashboard of my new server, go to All-In-One WP Migration → Backups. The .wpress file should appear there.

  3. Click the three dots icon and select Restore.

   9. Click Proceed to begin the restoration process.

The final step of using the plugin is to re-save your permalink structure. You need to change the structure twice to reconstruct the .htaccess file.

  1. From the WordPress sidebar menu, select Settings → Permalinks.
  2. Choose a new structure and press Save Changes. If you are using a Custom Structure, copy it first.
  3. Reload the Permalinks settings page and select my original structure.
  4. Hit Save Changes.


Import or restore a database 

  1. Log into phpMyAdmin.
  2.  Select the destination database on the left pane. 

  3. Click on the Import tab in the top center pane.

  4. Click on the Import tab in the top center pane.


5. Under the File to import section, click Browse and locate the file with the .sql extension you wish to import.

Click the Go button at the bottom to import the database.

Once you have done with the importing database then open the wp-config.php file and set database credentials.


Save the wp-config.php file and browse your website.

That’s all! Enjoy the WordPress site performance and availability powered by Cloudjiffy PaaS across a wide network of service providers worldwide. 

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